I think a lot of people think of my father as this prince of darkness, who was just moody and dark, especially onstage. He’d turn his back on the audience, or he wouldn’t show up on time for the show, or whatever. But, in my experience, that wasn’t him at all.
When we played, he would often turn and face us in the band, for a myriad of reasons, but mainly because I think more than anything, going out and playing the music live was the most crucial thing to his artistry. … I don’t think that people understand is that to do that, you have to have a lot of contact with musicians. You can’t just go out in front and smile at the crowd. You have to turn around, you got to have eye contact, you have to have everybody in the band watching you.
Read more from Erin Davis at Fatherly.
Image credit: Mallory1180/Wikimedia; Fatherly Illustration