We Love You, Badal. Our condolences to the Chowdhury Family. – Erin, Cheryl & Vince
“Miles wanted me to play on his album, On The Corner. I couldn’t believe it.” … Roy landed up with his tablas at the Columbia Studios and took up position amongst the likes of [John] McLaughlin, Herbie Hancock and Jack DeJohnette, among others. “There was no rehearsal, and when Miles strolled in, none of us knew what to do,” he recounts. “All of a sudden, Miles tells me: ‘You start’ — no music, no nothing, just like that. Realizing I have to set the groove, I just start playing a TaKaNaTaNaKaTin rhythm. Herbie nods his head to the beat and, with a ‘Yeah!’, starts playing. For a while, it’s just the two of us, and then John and Jack join in. Then all the others start and, to me at least, it’s pure chaos. I’m completely drowned out by the sound. I continue playing, but for the next half hour, I can’t hear a single beat I play.”
The Telegraph