The Miles Electric Band — led by Miles’ nephew, drummer Vince Wilburn, Jr., this talented group of all-stars includes members who played with Mr. Davis during his unprecedented 1960s-’80s period of music creativity. …The evening started off with an overhead slide show of Miles in photos with some of the then younger musicians, including John Beasley, Darryl ‘The Munch” Jones, Robert Irving III, and Mino Cinelu. The tastefully done slide series also featured the celebrated trumpeter’s voice commentary on his philosophy and approach to music. Jeremy Ellis, who has worked with The Roots band, provided vocal percussion on his beat box for the opening Miles montage. The presentation ended with a photo of Miles, and the single word: “Chief.”
The Miles Electric Band show was an extraordinary swirl of world music, polyrhythms, rock and funk. MEB powered up with their opener, “Jack Johnson,” and did not let up until “Jean Pierre,” their encore. The band brought their own unique stamp to Miles’ music. …At times, the pulsating music was atmospheric, and then it was potent funk. Other times, it was both. Propelled by bold soulful rhythms, the Miles Electric Band’s new interpretations of Miles Davis jazz-rock classics had an otherworldly quality.
Read more of Walter Atkins’ concert review at BAM Magazine.